
The Storm

I wrote this poem in year 8 for school

The rain beating against the roof
The wind howling through the trees
A crack of lightning cuts through the darkness
Thunder rumbling, grumbling through the sky
Like a giant who is kept awake by the storm

On the coast, the waves crash against the rocks
As if trying to escape onto land
The lighthouse desperately tries to save any boats that go astray
Seagulls' feathers are ruffled by the force of the wind

In town, there is the beautiful smell of water on tar
A powerline is defeated by nature's anger
Houses feebly protect the owners
And as it begins to hail, a car is wrecked

But where I live, in the country,
The rain is soaked up by the grass
The wind beats against the windows,
demanding to come in

And while the giant grumbles
And the lightning brightens up the night,
I sleep peacefully
Completely comfortable in the midst of the chaos

For the storm is my element, it is the weather that I love
It is the greatest music to my ears

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